Download A PDF of Post-Injection Instructions

  • If you do not feel comfortable leaving the clinic due to severe pain, numbness, weakness or dizziness, alert office staff immediately.
  • Most people feel better after the procedure for several hours until the numbing medicine wears off. It is normal to feel increased achiness and cramping for one-three days after the injection. It takes three days for the steroids to start working (if steroids were provided).
    • There are no physical restrictions. You may want to “take it easy” for 24-48 hours, but please resume normal activities including physical therapy, as soon as tolerated.
  • You may shower or bathe after the procedure (unless otherwise indicated).
    • You may remove any bandages the evening after the procedure
  • Notify the office immediately if you notice the following (Office # 215-366-2803):
    • Leg or arm weakness or numbness
    • Loss of bowel or bladder control
    • Redness, swelling or drainage at procedure site
    • Temperature above 101 degrees
  • If you stopped antiplatelet, anticoagulation or other “blood thinners” for the procedure, please resume taking them 24 hours after the procedure.
  • Remember to keep your follow up appointment and fill out the pain diary on this form. Bring this form to your next visit.